Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hot Navel Part 2

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First, ask yourself: What is a hot flash, really? Western medicine can confuse you with its technical explanation of what more simply for me, are hormones which are doing their dance. Just joking around with yourself would be a good way to start, especially if you take yourself seriously most of the time. Look on for a scientific answer about what hormones in females do, and you will be hard pressed to find an answer from doctors that will help you to help YOURSELF cool them down. We humans can learn to take our own health into our own hands by relaxing. Cerebral answers will make you tenser than before you started searching. All ancient people always used images to help them to relax.
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We all have dancing hormones, (women are more famous for them, but men have them, too.) Imagine a nice, happy image of YOUR very own hormones dancing in YOUR brain and nervous system. It might be true that most people like to dance, but of course some do not. We are talking however about your very own hormones dancing, not the physical you being observed by anyone. Most people might have fun doing this if they take the time to practice this first exercise I right away give you in this article: Simply, in the safety of your own quiet space, acknowledge that YOUR OWN HORMONES can dance in a pleasant way in your body. This is a form of a positive mantra, or repeated words that are enhanced here by an image of, perhaps, little wiggly shapes that you imagine are hormones, dancing in your body. Nobody knows but you that you are doing this exercise. Indulge yourself and give it about five minutes of at least three repetitions. See how you feel after that and find a way to agree that you feel better than before you started. Looking at positive possibilities and suspending suspicions will help you. So many of women around the time of getting hot flashes need to play and relax!
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We female humans are quite like the train of life that has been going along one type of track from the years after preteen and teen, and suddenly, even if we have been warned, there looms ahead a track switch that nearly topples the entire train. This is true for many but not all women. Some women naturally handle this change smoothly. Our modern world has made a dependence upon drugs seem a normal way to feeling happier and healthier than stress overload has permitted for so many. Really, what if a simple exercise like the one above could jumpstart you back toward a simpler and healthier, (and cheaper way,) toward feeling good. Ancient remedies allow you to stop taking lots of pharmaceuticals. You begin learning that you are in charge of cleaning up the jumpier nerves by eating healthier food and eventually learning these mind-spirit-emotion- transformative exercises that ask you to tune into yourself. You need to learn to focus on specific points in your body.
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What are humans like you and me? A very simple answer is: beings walking around in electric bodies with varied currents pulsing through us. Ancient people were more tuned in to their electric and spiritual bodies and literally danced and chanted their way into transformation times. Nowadays, you must have watched three thousand commercials or so from drug companies. Do you get confused? Even with reading about more natural herbal remedies you may well get equally confused. It's no wonder that you might well opt for something simple and seemingly silly.
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This answer might be to become more user friendly with your body. It takes training. Through practices like the one above and the next to follow, you can become sensitive enough to signals which indicate to you that you are coming into menopause. You can drop your fears by practicing to convince yourself that it IS a good time ahead to becoming a more mature woman. Start looking at yourself newly. Are you not just a body with signals that can be finely tuned? You no longer are sentenced to being lost and/or simply nervous.
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Try this technique from Ancient China: Start to really get to know the points along your spine and some in front of your body, where you can focus your mind. This one technique that can be learned is called Ovarian Breathing. This is a first step to be practiced over and over every day at least 5 minutes and also at the onset of a hot flash. This first step may well lead you to experience yourself newly. Agree to yourself to go slowly and think of it as a fun type of game.
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Begin by relaxing in a comfortable position. Sit upright or lay back on an angle, but in either choice of posture, keep your spine straight and supported. Feel open. It could be best done standing, especially if you tend to be "spacey." No matter which way, imagine you are rooted to the earth like a plant, (preferably a deeply rooted tree.) Keep up your awareness as you follow the summary below and continually re-engage your tree-like roots. Follow this summary of Ovarian Breathing.
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