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Anyone can achieve a more flattering and healthy midsection just by following the top ten ways to get hot abs. Improved physical activity, a balanced nutrition and positive lifestyle changes all play an important part in the quest for a tighter and firmer stomach. When fat, muscles and the digestive system basically compete for the area inside the abdomen, the wrong proportion between and among them is the main culprit behind a protruding belly below the rib area. Suffice to say, excessive fat and poor muscles around the abdominal area both contribute to a bloated tummy. There is a solution for this common predicament, and here's how.
The basic approach to losing unwanted weight is the cardio routine. Aerobic activities are designed to raise metabolism which, in turn, burns energy in the form of fat or calories. Running, dancing or playing sports are great choices. Cardiovascular exercise is important even if the stomach is the target area.
Changing one's dietary habits is another critical component of the top 10 ways to get hot abs. Eating small nutritious meals that are spread throughout the day is ideal. When less food takes up space inside the stomach, the middle area gets accustomed to a tapered figure. On the other hand, scarfing down a big meal results to an expanded tummy.
The set of muscles behind washboard six- or eight-pack abs is called the rectus abdominis. People who are out of shape possess weak rectus abdominis muscles so the mission at hand is to firm them up. To train the rectus abdominis muscle group, core training exercises such as crunches, reverse crunches, sit-ups, Swiss ball crunches and leg raises may do the trick.
Strengthening the deep abs, or the transverse abdominis muscles, is the perfect supplement to training the central abdominal muscles. Good options include routines that promote stability and balance such as lifting free weights, doing scissor kicks, the plank and using the Bosu ball.
The value of rest and sleep shouldn't be underestimated. Six to eight hours of sleep at night is ideal for most adults according to the National Sleep Foundation. The absence or lack of sleep, one compelling study shows, only results to an increased level of the stress hormone called 'cortisol,' which can cause unnecessary hunger pangs and become a huge obstacle against flattening the tummy.
Sodium causes the body to retain water, which results to a swollen and bloated middle portion. Consuming less sodium and avoiding processed meals that tend to be high in fat and calories if not sodium is advised.
Most fruits and vegetables and whole grain sources like brown rice and oatmeal are rich in good fiber that aids in digestion and helps a person feel sated longer, hence curbing appetite.
Coffee is a popular beverage for many but may not be a smart choice when it comes to toning the abs. Evidence reveal that caffeine leads to higher cortisol levels that impel the body to store fat around the abdomen.
This simple technique actually works. Without a person realizing it, constantly sucking one's navel toward the spine is a vacuum exercise that promotes a flatter stomach. This move builds stamina as well as strengthens the deep abs.
Ok, ladies. It is no surprise that jewelry enhances our beauty, gives a unique spark to the simplest of outfits, and is fun to wear. But did you realize that jewelry can actually increase your natural sex appeal and spark the attention of the man you would love to meet, or the man you are already with? Read on for Harmony's top 7 sexy jewelry styles. Enjoy!
Compliment your eye color! This is the oldest trick in the book for good reason, it absolutely works. Many women are surprised to find how the right earrings or necklace in a flattering shade makes the color of their eyes far more intense and captivating, no mascara required. Brown, hazel, blue or green, you can enhance your glance by choosing a gemstone that matches or is close to your natural eye-color, plus the sparkle will match the gleam in your eyes and really makes them stand out! Try it.
The Lariat Necklace. Ladies who want to accentuate their "assets" are encouraged to consider the ever-sexy "lariat" style necklace. My boyfriend calls the lariat the "cleavage enhancer" and indeed it is. Basically a long, slender necklace with no clasp (or a very small one), it simply "ties" around the neck and is usually rather long for maximum versatility, movement, and allure. Tie it short, wear it long, or double it up...there is a casual elegance to a necklace that is simply knotted and tied. Easy-on, easy-off as they say! Perhaps some may notice the certain, classy yet naughty leash effect, hmmm? The lariat style is best shown with a simple "v" neckline - and is sometimes worn inside your clothing where it "disappears" between the curves of your breasts, or down the small of your back- so daring and sexy! A lariat looks good paired with a bold cuff bracelet and simple earrings. Keep the rest of the jewelry understated and complimentary to avoid the "too much" effect. The neck, collarbones, and décolletage is one of the most attractive areas on a woman of any age or size. With a long sexy drape of glittering chain, sparkling gems, and lustrous pearls what person can resist an admiring glance? Don't say we didn't warn you...
Long, Dangly Earrings. Beautiful, attractive earrings are the most effective accessory out there, no contest. Earrings are the "fishing lures" of the jewelry world- except you are the catch! The right pair (of at least 1.5" or longer) will not only frame your face with sparkle, color and movement, but can draw and captivate admiring eyes. Sinuous silver or gold chains with glittering gems and lustrous pearls will move as you do, and bring the focus to your eyes and face. Dangly earrings look equally good with long or short hairstyles. I also adore swingy styles on all ages- from young teens to grandmothers. Many women say " I can't wear long earrings because___" fill in the excuse or personal put-down here; in my stores I have heard them all! Why limit yourself if it looks great? It is simply proven fact that longer earrings can slim a round face, elongate a short neck, make one's style more youthful, fun and feminine, all while creating a finishing touch to even the most basic outfit. Be daring and try a pair longer than you normally would- just make sure they are light weight enough for a comfortable, flattering look.
Got good stems? Wear an ankle bracelet! When a woman comes into my store looking for an anklet- there is an excellent chance she is being accompanied by her boyfriend or husband, or at least he encouraged the idea from home. I can only gather from my very non-scientific observations that many men find the anklet quite captivating on the right girl. Perhaps a woman who wears an anklet communicates her sensuality and appreciation of her whole body? Hmmm... I find anklets most comfortable if they are not too tight, and drape below the ankle bone, but try one on to see what you prefer. If you have good legs and cute ankles this fun accessory may be for you! Subtle yet sexy, it accentuates and draws attention to great gams while being the perfect compliment to summer sandals and leg-baring styles.
Toe Rings - I know, I know. A toe ring? I grew up in Hawaii and there you will find many toe rings adorning everyone from surfer-babe teenagers to my very own goddess-like mother, I am not kidding. Why? Because this is a sensuous accent that communicates attention to an important part of our body, and people do notice. To truly appreciate this fun look, one must like their feet. For best effect, it doesn't hurt to keep the pedicure looking good. If your man thinks you have sexy feet, try a toe ring and see if it gets a spark! Simple, slim bands are the most comfortable, especially in anything but flip-flops. All of them come with a split opening under the toe for fit and adjustment. Just make sure it doesn't pinch! A gleaming toe ring will highlight a sexy arch and cute toes, and is a compelling invitation for your man to give you a foot rub with scented oil. Just an idea...
Navel piercing, with accessories of course! Ok, I admit...this is one look I simply haven't committed to myself. Not that it isn't super sexy on certain females with appropriately taut, tanned and terrific midsections, or that men don't find a sparkly navel wildly beguiling. I simply don't want a permanent hole, decorated or otherwise, on that part of my body. It's just personal. Regardless, most of my hot friends have one, and they seem to like it just fine. I don't hear their boyfriends and husbands complaining, either. A womanly, sexy belly is wonderfully enhanced by navel jewelry, and it can be very fun to decorate in a variety of imaginative ways. Gemstones, chains, rhinestones are all good on the right girl. You know who you are!
Belly Chain. Ok, so you are one of those women who like their abs and waistline. We are very happy for you, seriously. Or you have liberated your inner belly dancer- we salute embracing your feminine charms! And to be completely honest, it does look super sexy when a curvy, fit woman slings a dainty, sparkly chain around her hips...especially at the beach and all destinations tropical and warm where midriff-baring attire looks its best. If you do try this sex-goddess look, make sure it isn't too tight...belly chains shouldn't create a "muffin top"- look for one with an adjustable dangle at the end to achieve a good fit. Sometimes a "lariat" style necklace (especially if it has a small clasp) can work as a belly chain and do double-duty. Those who work this look report feeling pleasantly "aroused" by the constant whisper of chain around their waist. Did we mention that men find belly chains extremely hot?
How to keep your jewelry sexy and alluring and not trashy? Try wearing only one fabulous adornment at a time, and keep the rest of your jewelry and accessories minimal. Keep the items you wear as more of an accent to the main event. A look that is overly busy and piled on will say "trying too hard" and will overshadow you and be distracting. A tried-and-true method is to stand in front of the mirror and take off one or two accessories before you go out. Remove the belt, bracelet, or scarf, or downsize a jewelry item to a simpler version. A woman is most sexy when she holds herself with confidence and moves with ease. If you feel comfortable (as in able to sit and move and do the activities of the day/night) than chances are you will look good too. If you are unsure, ask a friend whose style and positive opinion you trust- but don't ask anyone with serious negative body issues, they will just rain on your parade.
Hip baths are one of the widely used hydrotherapy treatment. In hip baths, the patient has to dip the hip and abdominal region below the navel in water. The patient is made to sit in tube, so as to make his body up to navel from below to immersed in water. Hip bath is given in hot, cold, neutral and other temperature.
Hot hip bath is taken for about ten minutes with water at 40 C to 45 C. The patient is made to sit in a tub at 40 C water and the temperature is increased up to 45 C. The cold pack must be applied on the head avoiding friction to abdomen. Before hot hip baths, he must drink a glass of cold water. After hot hip bath a cold shower bath is advised immediately. One must avoid exposing to cold to avoid chill. This water treatment is useful in relieving painful menstruation. It reduces enlarged prostate. It is also useful in painful contraction of the bladder, sciatica, piles and ovaries.
For cold hip bath, maintain the water temperature at 10 to 18 C for a period of 10-15 minutes, some times up to half an hour. If the patient feels cold then immediately hot foot immersion bath is advised along with cold hip bath. Then the patient's abdomen below the navel must be rubbed briskly with a course wet cloth. After the bath the legs, feet and upper part of the body must be dried. Then he should undertake light exercise to warm up the body.
Cold hip bath is a routine treatment for constipation, obesity. Indigestion and regulates the eliminative organs to work properly. This water treatment also helps in menstrual problems, hemorrhoids, liver congestion, prostatic congestion, and uterine disorders, sterility, displacement of uterus and ovaries. It is contraindicated in diseases of pelvic organs, ovaries and inflammation of the bladder, virginal and rectum.
Neutral hip baths is a type of hip bath with water of 32º C 36º for 15 minutes to one hour. It relieves acute and sub-acute inflammations of ovary and fallopian tubes and bladder and painful spasm of vagina, itching of anus and vulva and it acts as a sedative treatment for erotmanis in both sexes.
The patient is made to sit alternately in hot hip with water at 40 degree C and cold tub of 10-15º C for about 6 to 8 minutes respectively. The duration of hip bath is 10-25 minutes. During the treatment the head and neck are applied with cold compress. Applying cold water to the hips is the end of the treatment.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.